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Grupo 8

Special flights to evacuate foreign tourists will enter the Air Group N°8

In order to comply with the best measures of social isolation for the benefit of all Peruvians, the government ordered the closure of the Jorge Chávez International Airport facilities and, as of today, will only authorize the entry of state flights, that is, those managed by foreign governments, which will arrive at the No. 8 Air Group of the Peruvian Air Force (FAP).

These may repatriate their citizens stranded in Peru and also bring, exceptionally, compatriots in a special state of vulnerability, duly evaluated and approved in advance by the competent authorities.

With the highest security and health conditions, under the supervision of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and Civil Defense (Indeci), Peruvians who arrive on these flights will be referred to specially equipped shelters so that these citizens can comply with the mandatory quarantine measure outside their homes, for a period of fifteen days.

The Government of Peru, and in particular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its Consulates abroad, will make its greatest effort to meet the challenges that this pandemic has brought.

“The Consulates will be reinforced with the staff of our Embassies and will continue to coordinate to provide support to those Peruvians who have remained outside the country, are in need and require greater support to remain in the places where they are currently,” said the Foreign Ministry.

“To those who have the means to remain abroad during this time of border closures, we invoke your greater understanding and to comply with the quarantine provided,” he added.

Finally, he called for the solidarity of our communities abroad so that, as they have done on so many other occasions, they can join in this task of supporting Peruvians who, due to various circumstances, require assistance at this time.

“Our Consulates will have channels that will allow them to make viable any type of assistance they can offer in these difficult circumstances. We are confident that together we will be able to face this difficult situation,” he said.

Source: Turiweb