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Peru Coffee

Peru’s VRAEM coffee conquers int’l markets

Sumaq Ecological Coffee Producers Association (AP Sumaq Cafe) Head Reynaldo Flores proudly shows the most important awards his organization has received thanks to the high-quality coffee produced in Satipo province.

One of these prizes is a certificate for having obtained a bronze medal in the Aromatique Acidule category at the 3rd International Contest of Coffees Roasted in their countries of Origin AVPA – Paris 2017. The other is a certificate proving their specialty beans —named “Sumaq Cafe” or “Nice Coffee”— ranked among the top 10 coffee varieties in the Inca country at the Taza de Excelencia 2017 (Cup of Excellence) event.

The latter enabled the association to take part in an international auction through which their beans were sold for US$1,122 per quintal.

“Having participated in the Cup of Excellence for the first time in our history filled us with joy. We weren’t expecting that, and we have become known at national and international levels,” Flores expresses.

In 2016, AP Sumaq Cafe received co-financing from the Agriculture and Irrigation Ministry (Minagri), which led to increasing production from 12 to 20 quintals per ha.

Export-quality coffee

The specialty coffee produced by AP Sumaq Cafe is grown at 1,300-2,000 m.a.s.l. in the Valley of the Apurimac, Ene, and Mantaro rivers (Vraem).

At present, these beans are indirectly exported to Germany —through Negrisa SAC company— but the association’s goal for this year is to export them directly.

Source: Andina