Country codes
Country code for Germany is: 0049
Country code for Peru is 0051
General emergency number in Perú 105
Phone, mobile and smartphones
The major telephone companies are BiTel (, Telefónica Perú (, Claro ( and Entel ( All sell phone cards for public phones, with which you can also conduct overseas calls, about 1 hour to Germany, Austria and Switzerland for US $ 10. Bitel is our favorite and incidentally has the best offer if you want to use Facebook, whatsup unlimited.
Our possibilities
As a foreigner you usually have no chance to apply for a SIM card. On request, we can certainly help you and you save very high roaming charges.
Mobile phones only work in Peru and Bolivia if they are equipped with triband technology. With prepaid cards, which you can buy in supermarkets, gas stations and kiosks, you can make cheap local calls.
Internet & WiFi
Most restaurants and hotels nowadays offer Wi-Fi, although this is not always free. In all cities, however, there are also numerous Internet cafés, which usually have a very good and fast Internet connection.
Internet cafe’s & WiFi
Internet cafés are very common. One hour of Internet surfing in Perú costs 2-4 S /., In Bolivia it is also considerably cheaper with 2-4 Bs. Mostly you can also download photos from the camera and burn CDs.
Wi-Fi zones (locally called Zones WIFI) are available at airports, in shopping centers, cafes, restaurants and hotels