Before you discover foreign countries and cultures, in some special cases one or the other hurdle must be overcome. Entering the destination country is one of the most important issues that every traveler has to face. Unfortunately, we can not take the legal responsibility of a legal entry as your travel expert, but we are still there to help you with words and deeds. We can answer you if a visa is required or will refer you to the appropriate authority in your country.
A visa is not needed as a German (or comes from a member state of the EU), if the stay does not last longer than three months. The passport must be valid for at least 6 months. On the journey it is important to have the original or at least a copy at hand, as it may be necessary to go through several police checks. The passport and the copy should be carried in two different pockets, as this would avoid bureaucratic difficulties at the embassy if a piece of luggage was stolen. To be on the safe side, you can also give the fellow traveler a copy! Please note that the passport should always be worn directly on the body during transfers, ie in a breast pocket or hip bag. Please also note that the passport may not be dirty or damaged, as this may lead to dismissal upon entry.
We recommend that once you have decided on a destination, please contact the embassy of the destination country to receive details of the exact visa process as early as possible.