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Entrance to historical sites and natural areas will be free from July to December

Through the joint work between the Ministry of Culture and the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (Sernanp), the Executive Branch provided free access to public servants and children, adolescents and older persons, whether national or foreign, to the country’s archaeological sites, museums, historical sites and natural areas, administered and/or protected by the government.

This is provided for in Legislative Decree 1507, published yesterday in the Official Gazette El Peruano, which also states that this access is for 55 archaeological sites, museums and historical places, in addition to 22 natural protected areas.

According to this regulation, the provision is effective from July 1st and will be in force until December 31st, 2020. It is a measure to reactivate and promote the economy of tourism in the framework of the health emergency by Covid-19,

Among the authorized places are: the Chavin Archaeological Site, the Nazca Lines and Geoglyphs, the Chan Chan Archaeological Complex, the Huacas del Sol and Luna Archaeological Complex, the Kuelap Archaeological Monument, the Caral-Supe Archaeological Monument, the Machu Picchu Archaeological Park and the Inca Trail network; as well as the Bruning National Archaeological Museum, the Sican National Museum and the Julio C. Tello de Paracas Site Museum.

Additionally: the Regional Museum of Junin, the Amazonian Museum Loreto, the Gold Room of the Municipal Museum of Vicus, the Regional Historical Museum Hipolito Unanue, the Archaeological Monument and Site Museum of Pachacamac, the Site Museum of Puruchuco. They stand out among the most visited ones.

In addition, entrance will also be free for the Tambopata National Reserve, the Manu National Park, the Bahuaja Sonene National Park, the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve; the SIIPG – Ballestas Islands National Reserve, the Paracas National Reserve, among others.

This measure has been implemented in accordance with the protocols and operational health guidelines before the Covid-19, approved by the Ministry of Health.

Source: Turiweb