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Again the measure is taken with little time to adapt


The Minister of Transport and Communications (MTC), Carlos Estremadoyro, informed today that interprovincial land and air travel will be suspended in the regions that have returned to quarantine, due to the increase in cases of covid-19 infections.

These are the regions of Madre de Dios, Ancash, Moquegua, Tacna, Cusco, Puno, Huancavelica, Cajamarca, Amazonas and Apurimac, the same as those already in quarantine: Arequipa, Ica, Junín, Huánuco and San Martín.

“Today, Saturday and tomorrow, Sunday, people will be able to return to their workplaces or places of origin. As of Monday, they will require a pass for the transfer between cities, since interprovincial trips will be suspended”, detailed the head of the MTC. Minister Estremadoyro said that the other activities restarted in Phase 3 of the economic recovery will continue, but it will not be possible to restart new activities in these regions, according to the summary of Andina news agency.
T News has noted that some airlines are already communicating the measure, although in several media the news has come late, and several news programs have not mentioned it. It is not read today, Saturday 01, in the printed editions of the main newspapers, and on the websites of newspapers and broadcasting companies it has only appeared today afternoon, as a consequence of a news item from the Andina agency.
T News highlights the cancellation of flights to Cusco because it is the national destination with the highest volume of passengers, but in reality, the provision is for all regions included in the new mandatory social immobilization. This measure is not easy to find in Google searches.
The airlines have already announced that they will have flights until Monday 03, and from then on, they are suspended. All this corresponds to the application of Supreme Decree 135-2020-PCM which extends the state of national emergency, published yesterday in the Peruvian Legal Regulations, and which establishes mandatory social security, even with restrictions on departures on Sundays, in the regions mentioned, and which does not include Lima, despite being the region with the most infections.


This confusing and sudden disposition occurs again from one day to the next, with a weekend to adapt on the same rule, and can create doubts and confusion among users, as well as losses to committed and planned companies, and stranded travelers. In addition to this, there may be crowding among passengers who try to bring their trips forward.

We will be informing you.

Source: tnews